820 Almshouse Road
       Ivyland, PA 18974
(215) 357- 6998

A letter from Children's Ministry



Happy New Year!

As we enter 2024, we look forward to the ways that God leads us into this new year with new adventures and new opportunities.

During the month of January, our curriculum focused on Responsibility and how God encourages us to show love, to share what we have, to work hard, and to use our words wisely. Orange curriculum has developed an iPhone and android app called Parent Cue that is a great way to connect with the curriculum during the week. I encourage you to check it out.

We will also be looking forward to Messy Church programs during the coming months. Our first is going to be connecting with the story of Joseph on Saturday, February 10th from 12:00 pm-2:00 pm. We’ll make t-shirts, we will enjoy a potato bar, and share in a number of fun activities. We will be sending home a Messy Church packet for at home activities that you can engage with your child during the Lenten season. We will also be offering a Messy Easter Program on Saturday, March 30th. We recognize that it is a busy time, so we encourage you to keep it on your calendar as an upcoming event.

Over the next few weeks, we will be utilizing our Icon software, as it provides a smoother and safer drop-off and pick-up process for Sunday School. We are also asking for your help in updating our children’s information so that we can more effectively communicate with our families and volunteers to share the news of our children’s programs here at St. John’s Ivyland United Methodist Church. (Especially as we start to work on our Vacation Bible School for this summer!) Please click HERE to fill out a new registration.

There are also lots of opportunities to serve, we would love to have you as a volunteer. Feel free to ask me or JT Crockett how your gifts can be used.

Thank you again for sharing the love of Christ with the children of St. John’s and we look forward to the various ways that God works in our lives over the coming months.




Rev. Megan Berkebile

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